The use of systems thinking in community-based governance would be a paradigm shift because it would focus on not what we do but on how we do things, even on how we think. It requires a different perspective from what we have usually employed in the past. It has a different means of expressing ideas, through diagrams or models instead of words. It demonstrates the relationships between elements making up a system examined as a whole instead of separating them through reduction.
A system being examined can be revealed through a step by step process called storytelling, unfolding by clicking a [Step Forward] button until the entire system and its inherent relationships are made explicit. One online program for building systems thinking models that does this rather well is This blog post is a written description of such a system thinking ‘story’ diagram as a narrative translation of the diagram providing both a comparison and more explicit though lengthy explanation. This blog post is seventy-five percent longer than usual to introduce and fully explain the systems thinking model in question.
This particular ‘story’ explains the relationship between the development of a systems thinking based intervention as a product or tool to address a challenge facing a group, and the process that such a group, especially one without expertise in systems thinking, might adopt in the development of that systems thinking based intervention and whether that group would be likely to do so again in the future. This particular story includes some specific system thinking concepts but the primary focus is on how the elements of two dynamic processes relate (though one is subsumed within the other) to each other creating a whole system and how it unfolds to make itself understandable.
A systems thinking diagram can be presented on one page and once unfolded can be basically comprehended with a single viewing. Well, at least by most. This may be a matter of becoming familiar with this method or perhaps some will always prefer narrative and the stories we create to explain our world. Competing narratives, however, are difficult to combine into a common platform of concepts whereas a diagram can readily make the relationships more explicit.
When you open the model, you will see a blank page except for a Better World at the top of the page, a menu bar above that and buttons for [Start Over], [Exit Story] and [Step Forward], as well as the words, "the objective is to create a better world" at the bottom of the screen.
In the story, a group or organization deciding on adopting a systems thinking approach to developing interventions establishes a goal of making A Better World. This is started by clicking the [Step Forward] at the bottom right corner to take the first step through Successful Interventions based upon systems thinking. The systems thinking (ST) diagram will show the two labels connected with an arrow to convey the idea that Successful Interventions contribute or add to A Better World.
The next [Step Forward] of the ST diagram then reveals more concepts indicating that Successful Interventions contribute or add to the Perceived Utility of Systems Thinking, which in turn adds to the likelihood that Systematic Interventions will be utilized which in turn reinforces the likely reoccurrence of Successful Interventions. This circular relationship is known as a reinforcing loop.
Additional information on the particular elements making up the system or in this case concepts can be found by placing the cursor on each of the labels to reveal a small ‘i’ icon in the right top corner which when clicked presents notes for that particular label All of the notes were written by Gene and are being used so has to provide the most optimal explanation of how a systems thinking approach works. They are quoted in this post as part of the narrative explanation. Each [Step Forward] will also reveal additional information at the bottom of the model’s screen.
This specific reinforcing loop is concerned with the implementation of system thinking interventions. It does not consider why or how they were created or the consequences if they are unsuccessful in except that it would assumedly decrease their utility.
Loop R1 {Implementation of Systems Thinking Intervention}
Successful Interventions to
“A successful intervention is one that accomplishes what it was intended to do and makes the encompassing whole better. This is based on the Ackoff statement that one should never improve any part of a system that doesn't also improve the whole.
The perception is that systemic interventions will promote successful interventions and those successful interventions will result in a better world
Perceived Utility of Systems Thinking
“Both participants understanding of Systems Thinking and
the perceived meaningfulness of discussions are considered to
contribute to the perceived utility of Systems Thinking.”
Systemic Interventions
“Systemic interventions are those which are developed based on one of the existing models or methods which embrace the Systems Thinking paradigm.”
The next [Step Forward] shows a separate reinforcing Loop R2 {Group Development of Systems Thinking}. Starting with Understanding of Systems Thinking, the attached note explains, “An understanding of Systems Thinking is considered essential to promote systemic interventions and the perceived utility of Systems Thinking.” This refers to the ability and willingness of a group or organization to use systems thinking as a means of developing and applying systems thinking based interventions. This contributes or adds to Employment of ST Models and Methods, which attached note explains, “Actually employing a Systems Thinking model or method for the investigation is expected to improve the perceived meaningfulness of the discussion.”
This in turns adds to the Discussion Perceived Meaningfulness by the organization or group considering the use of systems thinking based interventions. “Well facilitated meaningful discussions are expected to promote both an understanding of Systems Thinking and its perceived utility.” Again adding to the starting point Understanding of Systems Thinking making this another reinforcing loop.
The next [Step Forward] reveals three new arrows establishing new relationships between one Understanding of Systems Thinking and Systemic Interventions; two Understanding of Systems Thinking and Perceived Utility of Systems Thinking and three Discussion Perceived Meaningfulness and Perceived Utility of Systems Thinking. The point being conveyed is that the process that an organization or group employs in developing systems thinking strategies and models have influence on the continued implementation of system thinking based interventions.
The next [Step Forward] reveals Loop R3 {Facilitation of Group Development for Systems Thinking} but this time connected directly to the R2 loop by way of Discussion Perceived Meaningfulness which contributes or adds to Discussion Facilitation. The attached note explains, “Facilitation is intended to promote the perceived meaningfulness of the discussion by keeping it on track and ensuring that the interactions are respectful of individuals and their time.” So if the discussion is seen as meaningful by the participants because the systems thinking interventions have been successful, it will be easier to keep the discussions on target and to create new successful interventions. The arrow is again indicating adds to or contributes to, from Discussion Facilitation to Stay on Track, “This is considered very closely related to respectful of individuals and their time. Keeping the discussion on track is expected to make it more meaningful.” and subsequently back to Discussion Perceived Meaningfulness. Overall, this loop has more to do with the organization or group itself and how it creates and develops system thinking interventions. There may be potentially successful interventions possible but if a group cannot work to develop them it makes little difference.
In the next [Step Forward], a fourth reinforcing Loop R4 {Respectful of Individuals and Their Time} basically makes explicit and reinforces one of the ideas already presented in the Loop R3 {Facilitation of Group Development for Systems Thinking}.
Two new concepts are added in the next [Step Forward] following that directly or indirectly add to both Discussion Facilitation and Discussion Perceived Meaningfulness. The inclusion of a systems thinking STW moderator, “Moderator ensures that all approved discussions have and that the initiator agrees to moderate the discussion”, who contributes to Discussion Facilitation as well as contributing to Defined Intent. “Having a defined intent for the discussion is expected to increase the likelihood of facilitation as well as perceived meaningfulness.” In this case, the focus is on improving the development of the systems thinking intervention model rather than on enhancing the discussion by the group. Developing an intervention which attempts to reach divergent or opposing goals at the same time will not work. The group has to first decide on its goals and ensure that they are all properly related. If a specific goal or set of goals is established for the systems thinking based intervention, then this, in turn, will allow such Defined Intent to optimally contribute to both Discussion Facilitation and Discussion Perceived Meaningfulness.
The STW moderator, the next [Step Forward] reveals, also contributes to Facilitated ST Learning. In other words, the group learns while doing. The attached note explains, “It is expected that meaningful discussions alone are not sufficient to promote the ongoing development of Systems Thinking understanding. As such the STW moderator will facilitate learning programs personally or by other members of the group.” This naturally contributes to an Understanding of Systems Thinking and all the related and subsequent iteratively reinforcing loops.
This particular systems thinking diagram deals with the utilization of systems thinking interventions by a group in general. It does not specify a particular systems thinking intervention, the type of group considering the intervention or the process by which the group determines the intervention or how it implements that intervention. The next stage of development will be to create an expanded model that separates the group interaction through direct participatory democracy as a dynamic process and illustrates how it and the process of creating systems thinking interventions could support each other.
The explanation provided by this post is far longer and would be more difficult for a group working to all comprehend together than would a systems thinking model. The systems thinking model provides a basis for disciplined collaboration. Further explorations into incorporating systems thinking into direct deliberative community-based democracy will be made in the future. For anyone wishing to begin their own education into systems thinking modeling, I am going to recommend the book Beyond Connecting the Dots Modeling for Meaningful Results, Copyright © 2013 Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger featured in the right-hand column of this blog.