This blog is part of an online learning platform which includes the Pathways to New Community Paradigms Wiki and a number of other Internet based resources to explore what is termed here 'new community paradigms' which are a transformational change brought about by members of a community.

It is intended to offer resources and explore ideas with the potential of purposefully directing the momentum needed for communities to create their own new community paradigms.

It seeks to help those interested in becoming active participants in the governance of their local communities rather than merely passive consumers of government service output. This blog seeks to assist individuals wanting to redefine their role in producing a more direct democratic form of governance by participating both in defining the political body and establishing the policies that will have an impact their community so that new paradigms for their community can be chosen rather than imposed.

More about this blog

This blog is intended to help others in a quest to define what is being called here "new community paradigms" for themselves and others with whom they live. It is designed for individuals who want to define their role in the governance of their local communities as being more than the consumers of government output. They wish to take an active role in being a producer of that democratic form of government, not only in defining the political body, in establishing policies that will impact their lives. A community paradigm calls for a transformational change brought about by members of that community.

Paradigms, according to the first definition of the Free Merriam-Webster are patterns, especially outstandingly clear ones. Patterns, however, are usually thought of as static and this blog is seeking a dynamic definition. Patterns can also be considered superficial and paradigms shifts call for deep changes.

Community has it origin: 1325–75; based on the Latin commūnitās, equivalent to commūni ( s) common +
-ty suffix occurring in nouns of Latin origin, denoting quality, state, etc.: unity; enmity.

Combining the word community with paradigm, however, means that these paradigms this blog is seeking to define will not start out clear. This has always proven true when paradigms shifted from an old one to a new one. Their definition in this blog will be be built up through multiple sources and voices and endeavor to reach, if not a common definition, one that proves useful to others in defining their own community paradigms.

A University of Arizona course on methods and approaches for studying the future sees paradigms from the following social perspective.

"Paradigms can be thought of as the framework that has unwritten rules but directs actions. There are several definitions below and some links to varying perspectives or applications of paradigms. When one paradigm looses influence and another takes over, there is a paradigm shift. Knowing in advance how a paradigm shift might occur gives you an advantage over others."

This site will seek to help others write the rules so that the new paradigm can be chosen rather than imposed. It will also try to help keep others from taking advantage by providing resources to add to knowledge and hopefully to some wisdeom. Finally it will endeavor to help others in defining a new and hopefully better future for themselves.

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